Ag obair mar staraí
Bhíomar ag díriú isteach ar am agus cróineolaíocht le mí anuas. Phléamar stádanna difrúla inár saolta. D’féachamar ar roinnt pictiúrí agus grianghraif pearsanta agus chuireamar na grianghraif in ord cróineolaíoch. Bhain Naíonáin Bheaga an-taitneamh as na ceachtanna seo agus bhíodar an-sásta na hamlíntí críochnaithe a thaispéaint don rang.
Working as an historian
We have been focusing on time and chronology over the past month. Discussing different stages in our lives. Looking at many pictures and personal photos of these stages and putting them into chronological order. Naíonáin Bheaga thoroughly enjoyed the history lessons involved and were delighted to show their completed timeline with their class.
Múinteoir Shauna